Over the Rainbow? The Road to LGBTI Inclusion

3 September 2020|

[10] Over the Rainbow? The Road to LGBTI Inclusion, June 24, 2020, OECD Publishing. Lead author of this report that provides a comprehensive overview of the extent to which laws in OECD countries ensure equal treatment of LGBTI people, and of the complementary policies that could help foster LGBTI inclusion. Also available in French: here. Webpage of the report (including country notes and an interactive dashboard): here. Watch the webinar of the launch: here.

Media coverage (a selection of 5 media):

(v) LGBTI Rights: these are the most modern and progressive countries, July 19, 2020. HTML link: here.

(iv) Op-ed by the UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Equalities, June 27, 2020. HTML link: here.

(iii) People and ProfitInterview of Marie-Anne Valfort by Stephen Carroll, June 25, 2020, France 24.
(ii) Press release by the Swedish Ministry for Gender Equality, 24 juin 2020. HTML link: here.

(i) Press release by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Equality, 24 juin 2020. HTML link: here.

Investing in Youth Finland

3 September 2020|

[9] Investing in Youth Finland, May 7, 2019, with Sarah KupsVeerle Miranda and Christopher PrinzOECD Publishing. Webpage of the report: here.

Investing in Youth Peru

3 September 2020|

[8] Investing in Youth Peru, April 17, 2019, with Alessandro GoglioKarolina Kozlowska and Virginia RobanoOECD Publishing. Webpage of the report: here.

Society at a Glance

3 September 2020|

[7] Society at a Glance, March 27, 2019, OECD Publishing. Author of the special chapter “The LGBT challenge: How to better include sexual and gender minorities?” (see p 9 to 56 of the report). Also available in French: here. Webpage of the report: here. Video summarising the main findings of the special chapter: here.

Media coverage (a selection of 3 media):(iii) Soir 3Interview of Marie-Anne Valfort by Marianne Théoleyre, May 18, 2019, France 3.
(ii) Some LGBT Economics in High Income Countries, April 3, 2019, Timothy TaylorConversable Economist. HTML link: here.

(i) Opening up: LGBT people, March 27, 2019, The Economist Espresso. HTML link: here.

Issues note for the International Diversity Forum

3 September 2020|

[6] Issues note, January 22, 2018, International Diversity Forum (an international conference bringing together government representatives, policy makers, business leaders, academics, social partners and civil society to discuss policies conducive to a better inclusion of groups at risk of discrimination). Also available in French: here.

LGBTI in OECD countries

10 May 2017|

[5] LGBTI in OECD countries: A review, 2017, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers n°198. HTML link: here.


Media coverage:The challenges of measuring discrimination against LGBTI individuals, April 23, 2018, Timothy Taylor, Conversable Economist. HTML link: here.

Maynard’s Notes, The Newsletter of the American Economic Association’s LGBTQ and Friends Community, April 2018. HTML link: here.

Diversity and discrimination in the labour market

10 May 2017|

[4] Diversity and discrimination in the labour market, 2017, with Frances McGinnity and Hillel Rapoport, in Chapitre 7 “The Future of work: Good jobs for all?”, IPSP report.


Fighting corruption does improve schooling

10 May 2017|

[3] Fighting corruption does improve schooling. A replication study of a newspaper campaign in Uganda, 2015, with Maria Kuecken, Replication paper n°10, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).

Does malaria control impact education ?

10 May 2017|

[2] Does malaria control impact education? Evidence from Roll Back Malaria in Africa, 2014, with Maria Kuecken and Josselin Thuilliez, G-MonD Newsletter n°12, Paris School of Economics.

Privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Where do we stand ?

10 May 2017|

[1] Privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Where do we stand?, 2004, with Jean-Claude Berthélemy, Céline Kauffmann and Lucia Wegner, OECD Development Centre. Also available in French: here.

Media coverage and book reviews:

Book review, 2005, Sam Kongwa, European Journal of Development Research 17(4): 754-756.

Privatisation, un processus inachevé, 2004, Samir Gharbi, Jeune Afrique.