Marie-Anne Valfort
Senior Economist at the OECD
Associate Professor at the Paris School of Economics
Research Fellow at IZA – Institute of Labor Economics
Contact: mavalfort@gmail.com
Disease and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from the Roll Back Malaria Partnership in Africa, with Maria Kuecken and Josselin Thuilliez, forthcoming in The Economic Journal.
Winner of the 2020 Prize of the Best Book on the World of Labour (“Experts” category) awarded by Le Toit Citoyen, for the book Les discriminations au travail, written with Stéphane Carcillo.
Lutter contre les discriminations sur le marché du travail, June 30, 2020, with Stéphane Carcillo, Note du Conseil d’Analyse Economique n°56. Also available in English here.