2020 – Conferences

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Press conference for the launch of the report written for the Conseil d’Analyse Économique entitled “Lutter contre les discriminations sur le marché du travail/Combating discrimination in the labour market“, with Stéphane Carcillo (virtual event); Seminar organised by the United Nations LGBTI Core Group (co-chaired by the permanent missions of Argentina and the Netherlands) with Monika Queisser (virtual event); Office of the Chief Economist Seminar Series at the EBRD/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (virtual event); Session on “LGBTI inclusion: Achievements, challenges, and the way forward” with Monika Queisser at the Global Perspectives Conference, a yearly event organised by the International Civil Society Centre founded by 15 of the largest civil society organisations worldwide (virtual event); Keynote at the conference “Inclusive Conversations: Empowering LGBTQIA+ public servants in New South Wales” organised by the New South Wales government/Department of Customer Service (virtual event); Discussant at the launch conference of the 13ème Baromètre de la perception des discriminations dans l’emploi/13th Barometer on the perception of discriminations in employment conducted by the Defender of Rights and the International Labour Organization (virtual event); Audition for the parliamentary mission “Émergence et évolution des différentes formes de racisme/Emergence and evolution of different forms of racism” at the French National Assembly (virtual event).

2019 – Conferences

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IDAHOT Forum, one of the major European events on LGBTI inclusion that brings together member countries of the Council of Europe, experts, academics, as well as representatives from national and international organizations (Oslo, Norway); Lunch seminar organised by OECD GLOBE, the LGBTI association of OECD staff (Paris); 6th policy forum on “Strength through diversity” organised by the OECD Directorate for Education (OCDE Conference Centre, Paris); Launch conference of TÊTU CONNECT, a forum that brings together key labour market stakeholders to promote LGBT+ talents (Paris); Seminar on LGBTI inclusion in the workplace at ENGIE (Paris); Seminar on LGBTI inclusion in the workplace at GOOGLE (Paris); Roundtable on “LGBT+ Rights: From prejudice to pride” organised by the British Embassy in Paris and the Embassy of Canada in France (Paris); Roundtable on “Les discriminations LGBTQI dans le milieu professionnel/LGBTQI discriminations in the workplace” organised by Sciences Po Paris and Cems-EHESS (Paris).

2018 – Conferences

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Moderator of the “Talk together” session on “LGBT retirement: Combating discriminations for long-term financial security” with Mike Mansfield, Program Director at Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement (OECD Forum, Paris); Commemoration of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOTB) at the World Bank office in Vienna (Austria); Roundtable on “Quels enjeux pour les LGBT+ dans la sphère professionnelle?/What is at stake for LGBT+ people in the workplace?” (Boston Consulting Group, Paris); Roundtable on “Jeune et LGBT en milieu scolaire : Expériences en France et aux Pays-Bas/LGBT youth at school: Experiences from France and the Netherlands” (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Paris).

2017 – Conferences

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Presentation of the OECD work on LGBTI inclusion at the 19th Roundtable of the European Governmental LGBTI Focal Points Network (EFPN), an intergovernmental working group dedicated to the advancement of the human rights of LGBTI persons in the Council of Europe Member States (Slovenia); Discussant of “The unprotecting effects of employment protection: the impact of the 2001 labor reform in Peru” by Miguel Jaramillo in the framework of the OECD Development Centre Dev Talks Series (Paris); Roundtable on “Protection internationale des droits LGBT : Etat d’engagement des organisations multilatérales/International protection of LGBT rights: State of engagement of multilateral organisations” (Délégation Générale du Québec à Paris); Seminar at LIEPP/Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policy (Sciences Po Paris); Printemps de l’Economie 2017 on “Les discriminations sur le marché du travail/Labour market discriminations” (Paris); IZA/CREST/OECD Workshop on “Recent Advances in the Economics of Discrimination” (OCDE Conference Centre, Paris).

2016 – Conferences

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Seminar at EconomiX (Paris  Nanterre University); Seminar at LEDa/Laboratoire d’Économie de Dauphine (Paris Dauphine University); IZA/IPSP Workshop: “Employment Chapter” (Sciences Po Paris); Seminar at DIAL/Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation (Paris Dauphine University); Paris Seminar in Demographic Economics (INED – Paris School of Economics –Paris Dauphine University).

2015 – Conferences

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OECD ELS (Employment, Labour and Social Affairs) seminar (Paris); Seminar “Fractures, Identités, Mixités/Social divides, Identities, Diversity” on “Les ressorts de l’islamophobie/The origins of Islamophobia” at France Stratégie (Paris); Internal seminar at France Stratégie (Paris); Seminar at AFEP (Association française des entreprises privées) (Paris); Seminar of the Chair “Ethique et normes de la finance/Ethics and standards in finance” organised by King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia) and Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University (Paris); IRES/Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales research seminar (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium); 6th Annual Meeting of the French Experimental Economics Association/ASFEE (Paris); Labex OSE conference day (Paris); Applied Economics Lunch Seminar (Paris School of Economics).

2014 – Conferences

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Novafrica research seminar (Nova Africa Center for Business and Economic Development, Lisbon); First ABCA/Annual Bank Conference on Africa organised by Paris School of Economics and World Bank (Paris); First panel discussion organised by the Club XXIe Siècle on the access to employment of young graduates of non-European background (Paris); Entretiens de la cohésion sociale organised by August & DebouzyEntreprise & Personnel and Institut Montaigne (Paris).

2013 – Conferences

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Economics seminar (University of Namur); Seminar at CREM/Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management (University of Rennes 1); Seminar at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université Libre de Bruxelles);  Second joint research workshop Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University/Cairo University (Paris).

2012 – Conferences

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Conference INED (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques) “Immigrés 2012” (Paris); Seminar ANR/Agence Nationale de la Recherche “MIGREN/Migration & Environnement” (Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, Paris); Applied Economics Lunch Seminar (Paris School of Economics).

2011 – Conferences

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Workshop on Discrimination and Segregation (Sciences Po Paris); Seminar at the Fédération TEPP/Théorie et Évaluation des Politiques Publiques-CNRS/Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (University of Marne-la-Vallée); IZA Workshop on “Discrimination and Ethnicity” (IZA, Bonn); Seminar “Politiques antidiscriminatoires” (Sciences Po Paris); General Assembly of the Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne (Paris); Seminar at the Department of Politics and Policy Analysis (Bocconi University, Milan); Seminar at the Department of Politics (New York University); Comparative Politics Seminar (Columbia University); Seminar at the National Academy of Sciences (Washington DC).

2010 – Conference

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Seminar at the Department of Political Science (Stanford University).

2008 – Conferences

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Seminar SIMA/Séminaire Interne de Microéconomie Appliquée (Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne, Paris); Seminar at the Centre for Experimental Economics (University of Copenhagen); AFSE/Association Française de Sciences Économiques conference (Paris).

2007 – Conferences

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ESOP Workshop “Perspectives on Equality and Welfare spending” (Oslo University); Seminar at LEGOS/Laboratoire d’Économie et de Gestion des Organisations de Santé (Paris Dauphine University); Seminar at ÉPÉE/Étude des Politiques Économiques (Évry University); AFSE/Association Française de Sciences Économiques conference (Paris); JMA/Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (Fribourg); Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Hamburg); ADRES/Association pour le Développement de la Recherche en Économie et en Statistique doctoral conference (Paris Dauphine University); T2M (Théories et Méthodes de la Macroéconomie) conference (Paris School of Economics); ESHET (European Society of the History of Economic Thought) conference (Strasbourg).

2006 – Conferences

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Conference “Poverty Reduction in Conflict and Fragile States” (USAID, Washington DC); Seminar at the Department of Politics (New York University); Seminar at the University of Innsbruck; Seminar at the University of Munich; Seminar at HEC-Paris (Jouy-en-Josas); Seminar SIMA/Séminaire Interne de Microéconomie Appliquée (Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne, Paris); Conference AFSE/Association Française de Sciences Économiques (Paris); Public Economic Theory conference (Hanoi); SED (Society for Economic Design) conference (Bodrum); Social Choice and Welfare conference (Istanbul); SOPHA (Société de Philosophie Analytique) conference (Aix-en-Provence); JMA/Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (Nantes); CSAE (Center for the Study of African Economies) conference (Oxford); ADRES/Association pour le Développement de la Recherche en Économie et en Statistique doctoral conference (Marseille); Augustin Cournot Doctoral conference (Strasbourg).