Do anti-discrimination policies work?

16 May 2017|

[10] Do anti-discrimination policies work?, 2018, IZA World of Labor: 450.

“One Muslim is enough!” Evidence from a field experiment in France

16 May 2017|

[9] “One Muslim is enough!” Evidence from a field experiment in France, 2016, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, Annals of Economics and Statistics 121-122: 121-160.


Media coverage (a selection of 3 media):

(iii) Fear factor : Why is distrust of immigrants so universal?, March/April 2012, Joshua E. Keating, Foreign Policy.

(ii) Why do the French discriminate against Muslims?, April 11, 2011, Arthur Goldhammer, French Politics. HTML link: here.

(i) The sources of French discrimination against Muslims, April 11, 2011, Henry Farrell, The Monkey Cage. HTML link: here.

How do Muslims qua Muslims integrate in the US?

16 May 2017|

[8] How do Muslims qua Muslims integrate in the US?, 2015, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, Economics Bulletin 35(4): 1-17.

The effect of weather-induced internal migration on local labor markets. Evidence from Uganda

16 May 2017|

[7] The effect of weather-induced internal migration on local labor markets. Evidence from Uganda, 2015, with Eric Strobl, World Bank Economic Review 29(2): 385-412.

Religious homophily in a secular country: evidence from a voting game in France

16 May 2017|

[6] Religious homophily in a secular country: evidence from a voting game in France, 2015, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, Economic Inquiry 53(2): 1187-1206.

Muslims in France: identifying a discriminatory equilibrium

16 May 2017|

[5] Muslims in France: Identifying a discriminatory equilibrium, 2014, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, Journal of Population Economics 27(4): 1039-1086.

Women, Muslim immigrants, and economic integration in France

16 May 2017|

[4] Women, Muslim immigrants, and economic integration in France, 2014, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, Economics and Politics 26(1): 79-95.

When do textbooks matter for achievement? Evidence from African primary schools

16 May 2017|

[3] When do textbooks matter for achievement? Evidence from African primary schools, 2013, with Maria Kuecken, Economics Letters 119(3): 311-314.

Voting for redistribution under desert-sensitive altruism

16 May 2017|

[2] Voting for redistribution under desert-sensitive altruism, 2012, with Roland I. Luttens, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 114(3): 881-907.

Identifying barriers to Muslim integration in France

16 May 2017|

[1] Identifying barriers to Muslim integration in France, 2010, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 107(52): 384-390.


Media coverage (a selection of 5 media):

(v) French employers biased against Muslim applicants, research says, November 26, 2010, Claire Churchard, People Management (UK).

(iv) “L’effet musulman”, facteur de discrimination pour les immigrés, November 24, 2010, Ngagne Fall, Jeune Afrique. HTML link: here.

(iii) La religion musulmane, facteur discriminant à l’embauche, November 23, 2010, Cécile Dumas, Sciences et Avenir. HTML link: here.

(ii) Fake CVs reveal discrimination against Muslims in French job market, November 22, 2010, Ed Yong, Discover Magazine (US). HTML link: here.

(i) La discrimination pénalise de 15% le revenu des musulmans, selon une étude, November 22, 2010, Agence France Press (AFP).

La religion, facteur de discrimination à l’embauche en France ?

15 May 2017|

[2] La religion, facteur de discrimination à l’embauche en France?, 2017, Revue Economique 68(5): 895-907.

Le vote éthique, une réponse efficace aux conflits ethniques ? Le cas de l’Éthiopie

15 May 2017|

[1] Le vote éthique, une réponse efficace aux conflits ethniques ? Le cas de l’Éthiopie, 2007, Revue Economique 58(3): 757-766.

Reshaping Adolescents’ Attitudes Towards LGBT people

15 May 2017|

[1] Reshaping Adolescents’ Attitudes Towards LGBT people: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in France, with Stéphane Carcillo.

Why Muslim integration fails in Christian-heritage societies

15 May 2017|

[1] Why Muslim integration fails in Christian-heritage societies, 2016, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, Harvard University Press. HTML link: here.


Media coverage and book reviews (a selection of 20 media):

(xx) Review Essay on Why Muslim Integration Fails in Christian-Heritage Societies by Claire Adida, David Laitin and Marie-Anne Valfort, March 2019, Thierry VerdierJournal of Economic Literature 57(1), 96-119. HTML link: here.

(xix) Book review, November 23, 2018, Gert Jan Geling, Liberales, a liberal think tank based in Belgium. HTML link: ici.

(xviii) Book reviews, September 9, 2018, Abdulkader SinnoAmaney Jamal and Anne NortonPerspectives on Politics 16(3): 760-766. Response and rejoinders (August 2019): here.

(xvii) Book review, June 26, 2018, José Miguel Dias Rocha, Sahipkıran Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi (SASAM), a think tank promoting an inclusive society based in Ankara. HTML link: here.

(xvi) Book review, September 5, 2017, Jocelyne Cesari, Journal of Islamic Studies 29(1): 135-136.

(xv) Do Muslim immigrants assimilate ?, April 3, 2017, Jeremy N. Neufeld, Niskanen Center, a think tank promoting an open society based in Washington. HTML link: here.

(xiv) Book review, January 31, 2017, Jennifer Fredette, Sociology of Religion 78(1): 100-101.

(xiii) Book review, January 16, 2017, Tom Wilson, Reviews in Religion & Theology 24(1): 19-21.

(xii) Book review, August 16, 2016, Cathy Lisa Schneider, Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 1(2): 353-355.

(xi) Book review, June 20, 2016, Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill, International Affairs 92(4): 1002-1003.

(x) Book review, June 7, 2016, Hakan Erdagöz, Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(13): 2437-2439.

(ix) Is French Islam an Oxymoron?, March 28, 2016, Aziz Z. Huq, The New Rambler. HTML link: here.

(viii) Brussels suicide attacks ‘shocking but not surprising,’ Stanford experts say, March 25, 2016, Steve Fyffe, Stanford News. HTML link: here.

(vii) Teufelskreis aus Diskriminierung und Integrationsverweigerung, March 1, 2016, Johann Hinrich Claussen, Süddeutsche Zeitung. HTML link: here.

(vi) Book review, February 5, 2016, John R. Weeks, Weeks Population. HTML link: here.

(v) Book review, January 29, 2016, Malise Ruthven, Financial Times. HTML link: here.

(iv) Le temps du lâche soulagement, December 21, 2015, Pierre-Yves Geoffard, Libération. HTML link: here.

(iii) Exclusion, not unemployment, explains ISIS recruitment?, December 1, 2015, Christopher Blattman. HTML link: here.

(ii) Here is what social science can tell us about the terrorist attacks in Paris, November 15, 2015, John Sides, Washington Post (Monkey Cage). HTML link: here.

(i) Islamofobia en Europa: Responsabilidades compartidas, February 6, 2015, Juan Antonio Sacaluga, HTML link: here.

Les discriminations au travail

15 May 2017|

[1] Les discriminations au travail. Femmes, ethnicité, religion, âge, apparence, LGBT, 2018, with Stéphane Carcillo, Presses de Sciences Po. HTML link: here.

Full bibliography: here.

This book was awarded the 2019 Turgot Prize-Honourable Mention, and the 2020 Prize for the Best Book on the World of Labour (“Experts” category) by Le Toit Citoyen


Media coverage and book reviews (a selection of 12 media):(xii) Certains employeurs n’ont pas conscience de leurs préjugés, November 2019, Interview of Stéphane Carcillo by Pauline Petit, Sciences Humaines. HTML link: here.(xi) Book review, Spring 2019, Lysandre Champagne, Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations.(x) Book review, March 27, 2019, Marceline BodierBabelio. Lien HTML: ici.(ix) Book review, March 2, 2019, Jean-Louis Chambon, Journal Spécial des Sociétés.(viii) Le décryptage éco. Des tests à la discrimination à l’embauche, quels effets sur les entreprises?, February 4, 2019, Fanny Guinochet, France Info. HTML link: ici.(vii) Book review, January 2019, Alternatives Economiques. HTML link: here.(vi) Comment les discriminations minent-elles la cohésion sociale?, December 8, 2018, Interview of Stéphane Carcillo by Anne Chemin, Le Monde. HTML link: here.(v) La population vieillit, les salariés aussi, November 30, 2018, Emmanuelle Réju, La Croix. HTML link: here.(iv) Pourquoi il faut lutter contre les discriminations, November 13, 2018, Stéphane Carcillo and Marie-Anne ValfortLes Echos. HTML link: here.(iii) Contre les discriminations au travail, l’approche punitive est nécessaire mais pas suffisante, November 12, 2018, Interview of Marie-Anne Valfort by Fanny Guinochet, L’Opinion. HTML link: here. (ii) La Librairie de l’EcoInterview of Marie-Anne Valfort, November 9, 2018, Emmanuel Lechypre, BFM Business TV.(i) La discrimination peut être combattue, October 31, 2018, Margherita Nasi, Le Monde. HTML link: here.

Discriminations religieuses à l’embauche: Une réalité

11 May 2017|

[2] Discriminations religieuses à l’embauche: Une réalité, 2015, Institut Montaigne. HTML link: here. Also available in English: here.

Media coverage (a selection of 10 media): (x) Les intégrateurs in « 500 chances pour la France », December 1, 2016, Challenges n°500.

(x) Discrimination à l’embauche: le gouvernement lance une grande campagne de testing, March 21, 2016, Chloé Dussapt, Challenges. HTML link: here

(ix) Le communautarisme, mythes et réalités, June 2, 2016, Anne Chemin, Le Monde. HTML link: here

(ix) « Il y a bien une islamophobie sociale rampante », April 19, 2016, Pierre Merle, Le Monde. HTML link: here

(ix) L’Europe devient-elle islamophobe?, March 12, 2016, Thomas Piketty, Le Monde. HTML link: here

(viii) Génération Bataclan : Unis dans la douleur, inégaux face à l’emploi, January 13, 2016, Youcef Bousalham, The Conversation. HTML link: here

(vii) Emploi: Combien de CV Mohamed doit-il envoyer pour obtenir un entretien ?, January 4, 2016, Fateh Kimouche, Al Kanz. HTML link: here.

(vi) Mieux vaut s’appeler Nathalie que Samira, December 1, 2015, Sandrine Foulon, Alternatives Economiques.  HTML link: here.

(v) New research shows that French Muslims experience extraordinary discrimination in the job market, November 23, 2015, John Sides, Washington Post (Monkey Cage). HTML link: here.

(iv) Discriminations à l’embauche: L’Etat va « tester » les grandes entreprises, October 27, 2015, Les Echos. HTML link: here.

(iii) Discriminations: L’Institut Montaigne propose une subvention à l’embauche pour les minorités, October 14, 2015, Liaisons Sociales Quotidien. 

(ii) En France, Mohammed a quatre fois moins de chances d’être recruté que Michel, October 8, 2015, Agence France Presse (AFP).

(i) Laïcité et inégalité : L’hypocrisie française, June 15, 2015, Thomas Piketty, Libération. HTML link: here.

Les Francais musulmans sont-ils discriminés dans leur propre pays?

11 May 2017|

[1] Les Français musulmans sont-ils discriminés dans leur propre pays? Une étude expérimentale sur le marché du travail, 2010, with Claire L. Adida and David D. Laitin, French-American Foundation. Presse release: here.

Media coverage (a selection of 5 media):

(v) Veil of fears, May 26, 2010, Katha Pollitt, The Nation.

(iv) La revue de presse, April 9, 2010, Bruno Duvic, Le 7/9, France Inter.

(iii) Le nombre d’enfants d’immigrés augmente, les discriminations durent, March 29, 2010, Bernard Gorce, La Croix.

(ii) Laïcité or discrimination ?, March 27, 2010, David D. Laitin, New York Times International Edition.

(i) Les Français musulmans sont discriminés à l’embauche par rapport aux chrétiens, selon une étude, March 25, 2010, Associated Press. Also available in English: here.

LGBTI in OECD countries

10 May 2017|

[5] LGBTI in OECD countries: A review, 2017, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers n°198. HTML link: here.


Media coverage:The challenges of measuring discrimination against LGBTI individuals, April 23, 2018, Timothy Taylor, Conversable Economist. HTML link: here.

Maynard’s Notes, The Newsletter of the American Economic Association’s LGBTQ and Friends Community, April 2018. HTML link: here.

Diversity and discrimination in the labour market

10 May 2017|

[4] Diversity and discrimination in the labour market, 2017, with Frances McGinnity and Hillel Rapoport, in Chapitre 7 “The Future of work: Good jobs for all?”, IPSP report.


Fighting corruption does improve schooling

10 May 2017|

[3] Fighting corruption does improve schooling. A replication study of a newspaper campaign in Uganda, 2015, with Maria Kuecken, Replication paper n°10, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).

Does malaria control impact education ?

10 May 2017|

[2] Does malaria control impact education? Evidence from Roll Back Malaria in Africa, 2014, with Maria Kuecken and Josselin Thuilliez, G-MonD Newsletter n°12, Paris School of Economics.

Privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Where do we stand ?

10 May 2017|

[1] Privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Where do we stand?, 2004, with Jean-Claude Berthélemy, Céline Kauffmann and Lucia Wegner, OECD Development Centre. Also available in French: here.

Media coverage and book reviews:

Book review, 2005, Sam Kongwa, European Journal of Development Research 17(4): 754-756.

Privatisation, un processus inachevé, 2004, Samir Gharbi, Jeune Afrique.